Thursday, November 14, 2019

dickinson and angelou Essay -- essays research papers

Emily Dickinson & Maya Angelou Essay Q. Analyse the presentation of human suffering in the poetry of Maya Angelou & Emily Dickinson. Many of Emily Dickinson’s poems touch on topics dealing with loss and human suffering. While loss and suffering is generally considered a sad or unfortunate thing, Dickinson uses this theme to explain and promote the positive aspects of absence. Throughout many of her poems, one can see clearly that see is an advocate of respecting and accepting the state of being without. Dickinson implies that through these types of losses, one can gain a richer and stronger appreciation for both success and belongings. Poems 2 and 1036 are two that capture the extent of Dickinson’s feelings on loss. By understanding and comparing these two works, it is easy to recognise that Dickinson believes that possessing neither material possessions nor the joy of success are the real keys to happiness. Poem 2 focuses on a battle that could be considered either literal in the sense of war, or more symbolic as it could act as the anthem for any type of loss or failure. Lines 1 and 2 of the poem explain that success or winning is most valued by those who never prevail. Dickinson is saying that loss creates the strongest appreciation for a win. The lines 3 and 4 state: To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need. This implies that necessity is the only way in which to understand what you want. Next, in the second stanza, Dickinson uses words that...

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